BERry early Christmas decor ideas to bring joy into your home | Suntrust Properties Inc.

Christmas is a special occasion close to the heart of many, especially to Filipinos. They typically begin preparing for it as early as three months before the big day. The countdown to Christmas begins on the first of September and the festivities last 4-5 months until around the third or fourth week of January. However, it is only the months of September to December that are commonly referred to as the “Ber Months”.

Paról and Belén

During this time of preparation, Christmas carols will be sung, parties will be in the planning mode and decorations will be put up. When it comes to Christmas decorations in the Philippines, the Paról and Belén are iconic and unique to the nation.

Paról, derived from the Spanish word farol, is a star-shaped lantern that represents the Star of Bethlehem which led the Three Kings to the manger where Jesus Christ was born. Paról can be made in any size and is usually made with bamboo and paper. Here are some ideas for decorating your home with a Paról:

Hang a brightly lit Paról by the window to showcase your love of Christmas and spread some joy to your neighbors. Here is a great tutorial on how you can make a simple one to adorn your windows with – DIY Filipino Christmas Star Parol

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If you’re living in a condo home, you can try this minimalist style. Sleek and simple versions of the Parol would be perfect for your space.

Belén is a display depicting the birth of Jesus Christ in the manger. It typically displays baby Jesus, the Virgin Mary and Joseph, the shepherds and their flock, some stable animals, the Magi and an angel or a star hangs above them all. This traditional decorative piece can be found in commercial buildings, residential homes, churches and schools.

Other Christmas Decorative Ideas

Space-saving Christmas tree

No matter the size of your home, a beautifully adorned Christmas tree is simply a must-have! If you find that your home is constrained in space, these 2D Christmas trees are just what you need. Here is a tutorial on how to make one of your very own this festive season – Space-Saving Christmas Tree Tutorial

Christmas Wreath

The wreath’s circular shape represents eternity from a Christian’s perspective, it represents the unending circle of life. The evergreen which is most frequently  used in making wreathes symbolizes growth and everlasting life.

Christmas wreaths can be decked in various designs to bring in the joyous mood of Christmas into your home.

Uniquely Displayed Ornaments

Sure, Christmas ornaments are always placed on a Christmas tree, but why not explore other innovative ways to showcase your special collection of sparkly and festive decorative pieces? Here are some ideas on how you can display Christmas ornaments to highlight your creativity and distinctive style.

Candles Galore

It can’t get any more tita than this. Candles are an affordable and quick way to make any space cosy and peaceful. What better time is there to invoke that comfy and relaxed mood than during the Christmas season? Here are some wonderful ideas to add that merry touch to candles in order to light up (pun intended) a room and fire up (also intended) the festivities. Bonus that they don’t take up much space, too!

Now that we’ve listed all these, what are you waiting for? Start decorating your Suntrust home now and get that Yuletide spirits up and going!

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